As part of our “From the ground up” approach to I.T., this means that we can provide a comprehensive range of products for everyday and specialised use.
From your average Computer or Laptop up to Gaming and Server spec, to specialised configurations for Commercial, Agri and Business systems, we can offer sale of products & full installation, test & commission plus, detailed consultancy prior to all needs being finalised. (Due to current Covid restrictions, some limiations may apply to the Onsite Consultancy at present.)
Our focus is always on reliability, fit for purpose and cost efficency. Once these criteria can be fulfilled by the hardware providers, only then will we make recommendations for sale.
It is and always has been a key factor in decisions for selling hardware. If the basics can’t be met, then there’s no point in selling it.
Huge differences still exist between hardware manufacturers, so, we deem it part of our roll to filter the options, specifications and suitability prior to dealing with a client.
Some of the many product areas covered are:
• Computer, Laptop, Server & Specialised machine sales
• Backup equipment, software & Disaster Recovery (see DR info separately)
• Internal & External Wifi solutions for Home & Business
• Security, Email, Web-hosting provision, installation & monitoring
• Uninterruptable Power Backup Solutions